Coaches IRB level 2 - Developing rugby skills
Geschrieben von Stefan Zeitz   
Montag, 15. November 2010

Due to a good number of requests IRB level 2 will be offered at very late notice to any coaches who wish to participate, or who wish to begin to gain accreditation at this level this November.

 The course will be run twice; on 19-20 Nov 2010 (at this time in Frankfurt, to be confirmed this weekend) and on the 26-27 Nov 2010 (at this time in Heidelberg the venues are to be confirmed once coaches have registered.

Prerequisite: Nil

Duration: 15 hours (+ delivery of 12 sessions over the remainder of the Autumn and the Spring Season)


There are two options:
1. Provision of certificate for full attendance
2. For accreditation: attendance and participation in all modules; achievement of satisfactory practical assessment; achievement of 80% in open book tests; submission of a 12 week coaching diary

Course details:

The course will only cost 50 euro per day, and the programme will be conducted in the same format on both weekends so that if coaches can make only one day each weekend they will not be disadvantaged. (Natürlich) -translation will be available for those who may feel they require it.

Unfortunately as I am offering these courses at the last minute in order to help answer the requests, normal food and accommodation will not be possible and will be each coaches individual responsibility, -enstchuldigung!

Please pack a lunch or two, but drinks and biscuits will be provided. However if you are having trouble with accommodation just let me know, perhaps I will be able to assist!  

The IRB level II course focuses on the following aspects of the game: and in my opinion with the knowledge you will gain on this course it will allow you to coach adequately at all levels up to and including Bundesliga.

I have conducted this course many times over the years and have had a large number of coaches re-attend this course over a period of three or four years as they have found it is so comprehensive and so rewarding to their coaching that they wish to repeating it. 


Fritag November 19th & 26th  

18:00 Laws of the game

19:00 Key factor analysis of individual mini sub unit and unit skills

21:30 Break

21:45 Communication

22:15 Completion

Samstag November 20th & 27th

08:00 Role of the Coach

08:45 Practise and Planning

09:45 break

10:00 Risk Management and ethics

11:00 Child and Adolescent Growth and development

11:30 Lunch

12:00 Principals of Attack and Defence

13:30 Relationship between key factors and the principals of attack and defence live analysis Game v Poland

16:15 Continuation of last session

17:00 Fitness

18:00 Completion and Departure.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible so that we can set the venues and please if you know of anyone else that would like to join in please register them as well.

Just Email me Names and Dates on Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spam Bots geschützt, du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit du sie sehen kannst     Kind Regards

Lofty Stevenson

7-15 4 Excellence

Coaching and Consulting

(IRB Educator)

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Guilherme Buff said:

Ich war letztes Wochenende (19.&20.11.) bei dem Kurs und es hat sich wirklich gelohnt. Lofty hat eine unglaubliche Kenntnis des Spiels, der Gesetzen und eine hervorragende Didaktik. Zwischen den Teilnehmer gab es einen großen und sehr guten Wissensaustausch. Mit diesem Kurs wird man sicher besser vorbereitet sein um ein besserer Coach zu sein. Wer da war weiß das und wer nicht da war, soll sich anmelden und unbedingt nächstes Wochenende nach Heidelberg fahren. Für die Leute die in Heidelberg wohnen, verpasse nicht diese Gelegenheit!!!

aus Oberbayern
November 24, 2010

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