Einladung zu den Wormser Nibelungen 10's
Geschrieben von Sascha   
Montag, 20. Juli 2009

Der Rugby Club Worms lädt Euren Verein ganz herzlich zu den Wormser Nibelungen 10s 2009,
dem offiziellen Turnier zur Saisoneröffnung 2009/10 des Rugby-Verbandes Rheinland-Pfalz
am Sonntag, 6. September ein.

Der Rugby Club Worms feiert in diesem Jahr mit seinem traditionellen Nibelungenpokal gleichzeitig sein 10jähriges Vereinsbestehen!

Wie bereits im letzten Jahr findet das Turnier auf dem neuen Sportgelände des RC Worms, dem Wormser Rugby-Park statt. Um dem Jubiläum sprichwörtlich gerecht zu werden, wird das Turnier im attraktiven 10er-Modus ausgetragen.

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Euer Verein an diesem Event teilnimmt!

  • Anmeldungen bitte bis spätestens 15.08.2009, per Mail oder Telefon
  • Die Anzahl der teilnehmenden Teams ist begrenzt, es entscheidet die Reihenfolge der Anmeldung
  • Startgebühr 25 € (inklusive 4 Kisten Wasser und Obst) oder 120 € (zusätzlich 12 Turnier-Shirts)
  • Turnierbeginn mit Teambesprechung um 10 Uhr, Spielmodus 10er Rugby
  • für Speis und Trank ist bestens gesorgt

Obacht, dritte Halbzeit
=> Wer noch Zeit&Lust hat, kommt nach dem Turnier mit uns auf das Backfischfest, das zeitgleich in Worms stattfindene größte Volksfest am Rhein! <=

Für Rückfragen stehen wir selbstverständlich gerne zur Verfügung.

Kontakt: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spam Bots geschützt, du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit du sie sehen kannst

Andreas Hacker
Bennigsenstr. 33, 67549 Worms
Telefon: 06241/829655; Handy: 0151/12211226

Jeffrey Herkommer
Ernst-Handschuh-Str. 14, 67549 Worms
Telefon: 06241/77584; Handy: 0160/96603245

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Kommentare (4)add comment

Schwade said:

wie lang geht denn eine halbzeit beim 10er?
Juli 20, 2009

flyhalf said:

Bei Turnierform weiss ich es nicht, aber normalerweise 20 min.
Juli 20, 2009

jenkins said:

@schwade: es werden 2x 10 minuten gespielt, dass wir das turnier an einem tag durchbringen können.

es sind noch plätze frei!!!!!!
wir freuen uns über weitere anmeldungen.

grüße aus worms
Juli 23, 2009

Schwade said:

erstes regelwerk was ich bei google gefunden habe

The tournament will be played under the Laws of the Game of Rugby Football Union as framed by the International Rugby Board and adopted by the Rugby Football Union, with the following amendments:

Law 3. Number of Players

1. A match shall be played by no more than ten players on each team in the playing area, selected from a squad of 15. (Squad names to be handed to the committee prior to the start of the tournament, thereafter a player can only play for his registered team).
2. A player may be replaced on account of injury or substituted.
3. Up to three players may be replaced or substituted each game.
4. A player who has been replaced may not resume playing the match, unless he has been temporarily replaced while an open or bleeding wound is covered or dressed.
5. A player who has been substituted may not re-enter the match except to replace a player having a bleeding or open wound covered or dressed.
6. A team which can only field 10 or less than 10 players because of injury may borrow players from teams which have played in the same knockout competition as themselves or in a lower level knockout competition and have already been eliminated from the tournament. A team that borrows a player and uses him as a replacement must retain that player in its squad for the remainder of the tournament unless he is injured. No team may borrow players to replace a player banned under Law 10.

Law 5. Toss, Time

1. Play shall be divided into two halves of ten minutes. At half time the teams shall change ends and there shall be an interval of not more than two minutes.
2. The finals shall be divided into to halves of fifteen minutes. At half time the teams shall change ends and there shall be an interval of not more than five minutes.
3. In the knockout stages of the competition of there is a drawn match and extra time is required, the extra time shall be played in periods of five minutes. After each period the teams shall change ends without interval. There will be no extra time in the group games.
4. Before the commencement of extra time the captains shall toss for the right to kick off or the choice of ends.
5. In extra time the team which scores first will immediately be declared the winner without further play.
6. If at the end of extra time the scores are still tied there will be a penalty shoot out. Teams will alternately take a drop kick at goal from the centre of the 22 meter line nearest the goal. The first team to miss following a successful kick will loose. Only 1 attempt per player unless all players, including replacements on both teams have been successful. In this case kicks shall continue in the same order until a team misses. Team captains will toss a coin to determine which goal to kick at. The referee will be assisted by the touch judges. If there is a disagreement between the touch judges the referee�s decision will be final.

Law 6. Referees, Touch Judges

1. In the early rounds of the competition teams must provide a touch judge for each match.
2. In the latter rounds, touch judges will be referees appointed to assist the referee; Law 6 will be applied in relation to the reporting of foul play and misconduct.

Law 9. Kick at Goal after a Try

1. If the scoring team elects to take a kick at goal after a try, it shall be a drop kick on a line through the place where the try was scored.
2. If a kick is taken:
1. It must be taken without undue delay.
2. The opposing team must assemble immediately within reasonable proximity of its own 10-metre line.

Law 13. The Kick Off and Restart Kicks

1. The kick-off or restart is taken at the middle or behind the middle or the halfway line. If the ball is kicked from the wrong place it is kicked again. A Kick-off or a restart is taken with a drop kick. After a score the team that has scored kicks-off.
2. The ball must reach the opponents� ten meters line, unless played first by an opponent. If the ball reaches the ten-meter line and is then blown back, play shall continue.

Penalty: Free kick at the centre of the half way line.
3. The ball must not be kicked directly into touch.

Penalty: Free kick at the centre of the half way line.
4. The ball must not be kicked in goal or over the dead ball line.

Penalty: Free kick at the centre of the half way line.

Law 20. Scrummage

1. A�minimum of five players shall be required to form the scrummage.
2. Each lock shall have his head between a prop and the hooker.
3. All players in the scrummage shall remain bound until the scrummage is over
(i.e. only the scrum-half or his stand-in may take the ball from the scrummage).

Penalty: A penalty kick at the place of the infringement.

Law 10. Foul Play

A player sent off by a referee, under Law 10, shall take no further part in the tournament until the Commissioner has investigated the dismissal. Details may be found in the tournament Discipline Rules.

Law 21. Penalty Kick

A penalty kick may be taken in the form of a drop kick from the place of infringement or as indicated by the referee.

Sin Bin. Any player ordered to the Sin Bin will remain there for 2 minutes.

sind das die regeln?
August 04, 2009

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Letzte Aktualisierung ( Montag, 20. Juli 2009 )